Thursday, October 20, 2011

Role Models

Here are my top 10 female role models

1. Kathryn Bigleow- Admire and respect her educational back ground and she is the best female director of all time.
2. J.K. Rowling- Who doesn't love Harry Potter?
3. Amelie- Everyone has Amelie in them
4. Anna Wintour- Love her work ethics
5. Ingrid Betancourt- Her will power and being able to stay as herself in any situations
6. Kate Moss- The shortest but the most successful supermodel with the best style
7.Juliette Binoche- Her acting skill is a pure ART
8. Lauryn Hill- The most talented musician and no one has a voice like hers
9. Sophia Coppola- Master of creating innovated and original films
10. Oprah Winfrey- My God, if there is any...

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